Monday: Upper body
• Mondays are always upper body days. Basically, I train my arms (biceps and triceps), back and shoulders but also I tried to include some type of cardio every day. Workouts for arms: Back and Upper body, Sweat workout, TikTok dance.
Tuesday: Abs
• When i train abs I tried to train full abs. Workouts are: 15 min abs, 8 min Benchmark( for sweat) by Nike training app, 12 min abs and some stretching for the end.
• When I have cardio days I want to make sure they don't last less than usual. Usually, my workouts are from 45 to 60 min but cardio is only 30 min. Workouts are: 15 happy dance(obsessed), Silent cardio w no jumping and strech.
Thursday: Cardio
• Usually, I would have leg day on Thursday but Wednesday's workout was not so hard. I went on a run for 30 min using Nike run club app.
Friday: Lower body
• I train legs, glutes and booty. Workouts are: Lower body workout, 15 min HIIT and Jump start form Nike training app.
Saturday: Dance + stretch
• So I have like a fun cardio day. Lately, I am obsessed with dance workouts on YouTube by Pamela Rf and MadFit. Workouts are: 12 min happy HIIT, 15 min happy dance and 15 min stretch.
Sunday: Rest day
Youtube channels I've been using: Pamela Rf, MadFit, Chloe Ting
I'm not professional but I do have a lot of experience. This is not a picture of my schedule every week because I do train tennis. This week I wasn't able to train. I did this post to prove you that you don't need any equipment, space or gym to have a good workout for every single part of your body. The workout is important and you don't have excuses not to do it.
That`s all fulcks. Hope you liked it. Follow me on insta for so much more contant. Please subscibe because it really suportes my blog. Love u.